Islam encourages Muslims to adorn themselves.
Ulama Institute #1
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“O Children of Adam, We have bestowed on you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness – that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember.” (Soorat al-A’araaf: 26)
- This aayah informs Muslims that clothing is a blessing given to them by Allah ﷻ . The aayah also shows that it is important for Muslims to cover and beautify themselves. The verse also says that righteousness is the best adornment.
Islam teaches Muslims that it is important to be clean and neat and that they should always look their best. The Prophet ﷺ did not like people to be untidy. Allah’s Messenger saw a disheveled man whose hair was untidy he said,
“Could this man not find something to make his hair lie down?” He saw a man wearing dirty clothes and said, “Could this man not find something to wash his garment with?” (Tirmidhi)
- The Prophet ﷺ was very particular about his appearance. He always combed his hair neatly and kept his clothes clean. He always looked his best.
- Allah ﷻ tells Muslims in the Qur’aan that they should beautify themselves when they go to the masjid to pray. Hasan ibn ‘Ali, the grandson of the Prophet ﷺ , prayed in his best clothes. When people asked him about it he said that
“Allah ﷻ is beautiful and loves beauty.” [Saheeh Muslim]
- He beautified himself for Allah’s ﷻ pleasure.
Islamic Dress
What kind of clothes are Muslims allowed to wear?
- Islam encourages Muslims to beautify themselves. It does not make any particular form of dress obligatory for Muslims to wear. Muslims may wear any type of clothing as long as it is within the rules of Islam.
- The first and most important rule is that clothes must cover the ‘awrah. The ‘awrah is that part of a persons body that should never be exposed in front of others. The ‘awrah of a Muslim male is the part of his body which is between his navel and his knees. He should cover his navel and knees as well.
- The ‘awrah of a Muslim female is her entire body except her hands and face. This means that a Muslimah should cover her entire body and may leave her hands and face uncovered.
In the company of other women, she may uncover her arms, hair and neck. - The clothes that Muslim men and women wear should not expose the ‘awrah in any way. Clothes should not be so thin that one can see through it. Clothes should also not be tight and close-fitting because it shows the shape of a person’s body.
- A person’s ‘awrah should be covered at all times. A Muslim’s prayers are not accepted if he/she is not properly covered. Muslims should also cover their bodies properly outside of prayer. Muslims must be modest at all times.
- The Prophet ﷺ said that white clothes are the best dress for Muslims. He encouraged them to bury their dead in white cloth as well.
- The Prophet ﷺ used to wear a thawb (a long shirt) at times and sometimes he wore clothes made up of two pieces.