The different signs which indicate that an individual has reached puberty.
Ulama Institute #1
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- Puberty means reaching the stage of adulthood. The Arabic word for puberty is “buloogh”.
- Technically, the term puberty refers to the period when an individual becomes capable of reproduction due to physiological and biological changes in the body.
- It is also the difference between immaturity and maturity and represents the period when a person becomes responsible and accountable for the various obligations and responsibilities required of him/her in Islam. In other words, it represents the difference between being a child and being an adult.
- The Sharee’ah gives clear indications that mark the beginning of the period of puberty. Some of these signs are common to both males and females, while some are meant for males only.
- Some of the features of puberty are:
- The emission of semen (seminal fluid.)
- The growth of pubic hair.
- Reaching the age of fifteen (according to the lunar years or Islamic callendar). It differs in male and female, but still occurs just before or after they reach that age.
- Having menses/menstruation.
- Pregnancy.
- All these indications and signs are clear, Boys and girls do not have to wait for all other indica- tions to take place if they experience any of them. If even one of these signs becomes appar- ent, he or she is considered to be a baaligh person.
- Males need to be aware that there are two kinds of seminal fluids that may be emitted, and both are an indication of puberty. The first fluid is a clear fluid that is leaked out when a per- son becomes sexually aroused. The second fluid is semen which is discharged after a dream or sexual activity. Semen is a thick fluid that is white to off-white in color. It is important for a young boy to know that this is not unnatural, but rather an occurrence that takes place among all young males. It is the body’s way of indicating to a person that he has attained puberty. The growth of pubic hair, hair under the arms as well as a beard are also indications of puberty.
- For females, the easiest indicator or sign of puberty is the start of menses or menstruation. In Arabic it is called “haydh” which is the flow of blood from the uterus of a female who has reached the age of puberty. The signs that a girl is entering this stage of development include breast development, growth of hair under the arms and in the pubic (private) area. It is best for girls to discuss the possible onset of puberty with their mothers.
- The onset of puberty in signifies the beginning of a process leading to adulthood. A young girl who menstruates for the first time may still experience full body development for at least three to four years. Boys may also still require full growth of the body.
- Some important things to take note of:
- It is important to remember that the Muslim’s life as a child gradually progresses into complete adulthood after he/she attains puberty.
- With puberty comes many changes as ordained in Islam.
- The person is no longer viewed as a child, but adolescent who is near to becoming an adult. For this reason the boy or girl has to follow certain rules that govern an adult according to the Sharee’ah.
- It is also the role of both parents to educate young Muslims about the signs of puberty. The Father may speak to the son and the Mother should speak to her daughter in this regard.
- This will ensure the existence of an ‘ummah which is enlightened both Islamically and in terms of the human body.
Learning from the lesson
- Puberty (buloogh) refers to the period during which an individual becomes capable of reproduction due to biological changes in the body.
- Among the signs of puberty are the emission of semen, growth of pubic hair, reaching the age of fifteen, menstruating and pregnancy.
- Puberty is a process that leads to adulthood.
- The boy or girl will then follow certain rules that govern an adult according to the sharee’ah.
- It is the role of both parents to educate young Muslims about the importance of reaching puberty.
- Define puberty.
- If a girl or a boy do not display any of the physical signs of puberty, how they determine whether they are baaligh or not. Explain.
- Can you explain why a child who has attained any of the signs of puberty can be classified as a young adult? Why are they referred to as adults?.
- Who should one consult to understand puberty and its effects to young boys and girls?