The achievements of Bilaal.
His last days and death in Damascus.
Ulama Institute #1
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- Bilaal ibn Rabaah achieved many great accomplishments in his lifetime He is known to be the first muadhdhin and delivered the first adhaan in Islam. He was also the first slave to accept Islam. However, the most outstanding feature of Bilaal’s life was his simple and humble character.
- Bilaal is also praised immensely because of his super love for the Prophet ﷺ and his unwavering belief in the Oneness of Allah.
- The Prophet praised Bilaal and gave him gald tidings of Jannah.
He said (to Bilaal),
سمعت دف نعليك بين يدي في الجنة (البخاري)
“I heard the sound of your shoes just in front of me in Paradise.” [al-Bukhaan]
- In the year 9 Hijri, the Prophet led a delegation of Companions to Makkah with the intention of performing ‘Umrah. The Makkans prevented them from entering Makkah and, after prolonged negotiations, the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah was signed.
- Shortly thereafter the Makkans treacherously failed to respect the Treaty of Hudaybiyah and reneged on their part of the agreement. The Prophet ﷺ had no choice but to march toward Makkah. He mobilized an army of ten thousand soldiers. Bilaal and other Muslims from Madinah formed part of this army. He was thus one of the illustrious Companions who participated in the conquest of Makkah.
- It was also the desire of Bilaal to destroy the idols in and around the Ka’bah. His opportunity came when the Prophet, after the conquest of Makkah, asked him to fetch the key of the Ka’bah. Bilaal was fortunate to be amongst those chosen to join the Prophet ﷺ when he entered the Ka’bah and destroyed all the idols inside and around it. This signaled the end of the period of ignorance and idolatry.
- Soon thereafter, Bilaal stood with the Prophet ﷺ while he addressed the people of Makkah. Thereafter, upon the instruction of the the Prophet, Bilaal climbed to the top of the Ka’bah and announced the call to prayer (adhaan). The people of Makkah listened to the beautiful voice of Bilaal, the same man who had previously come to Makkah as a slave and was treated in a terrible and an inhumane way by his owner.
- Bilaal lived as a pious, humble and honorable man. He was greatly privileged that the Prophet ﷺ appointed him as the custodian (guardian) of the Treasury. Bilaal, however, never gave up his mission to call people to prayer. Throughout the life of the Prophet ﷺ he was entrusted with this important duty and responsibility. In addition Bilaal was granted the distinguished status of being the person entrusted to call Muslims to fight in the way of Allah ﷻ
Throughout the life of the Prophet ﷺ , Bilaal stayed close to him and proved to be a true and dedicated follower. When the Prophet performed the Farewell Pilgrimage, Bilaal was with him. When the Prophet returned to Madinah and fell ill, Bilaal was at his bedside. - After the death of the Prophets, Bilaal suggested to Aboo Bakr that he wanted to leave Madinah and fight in the path of Allah ﷻ . Aboo Bakr refused to grant him permission and he continued to render the adhaan in Madinah.
- After the death of Aboo Bakr, ‘Umar became the Khaleefah and he too refused to let Bilaal leave Madinah. Bilaal insisted and finally ‘Umar gave in to Bilaal’s request. He joined the Muslim army led by Aboo Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarraah in Damascus.. Bilaal and his fellow Muslims conquered Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and upon the conquest of the Blessed Masjid, Bilaal was asked to give the adhaan at Al-Aqsaa masjid. The people were astounded and overjoyed to hear the adhaan. Bilaal, on the other hand, wept when he recalled the days he gave the adhaan during the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ .
- After the conquest of Jerusalem, Bilaal spent a few days with ‘Umar. He then left to return to Damascus. Not long afterwards, Bilaal dreamt about the Prophet ﷺ. He immediately returned to Madinah to visit the Prophet’s mosque and at the same time his gravesite. His sadness at the absence of the Prophet ﷺ was too much to bear and he thus left Madinah to go back to Damascus. Bilaal fell ill and passed away in Damascus, where he was buried.
- Bilaal is an example for all Muslims. His refusal to budge from the path and call of Tawheed is a lesson that can never be forgotten or ignored. His proclamation of the eternal call of Islam is a reminder of his achievements and the great position he attained. His life is a testimony to the propensity of Islam to elevate people of such humble beginnings as himself to such great heights.
Learning from the lesson
- Bilaal was the first muadhdhin in Islam and delivered the first adhaan.
- He helped destroy idols in and around the Ka’bah.
- Bilaal rendered the adhaan from the top of the Ka’bah for the first time.
- He was the custodian of the Treasury.
- Bilaal was commissioned to call Muslims to fight in the way of Allah.
- He passed away in Damascus.