A brief description of Khadeejah
Her marriage to the Prophet ﷺ
Ulama Institute #1
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- Khadeejah was bom in Makkah in the year 556 CE (Common Era). She was the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad, a wealthy merchant of Makkah. Khuwaylid died before the marriage of Khadijah to the Prophet ﷺ . Like the Prophet ﷺ , she also belonged to the tribe of Quraysh.
- Prior to her marriage to the Prophet ﷺ , Khadeejah had already been married twice. Her first marriage ended with the death of her husband Aboo Haalah ibn Zaraarah At-Tameemi. Her second marriage to ‘Ateeq ibn ‘Abdullaah Al-Makhzoomi did not work out, because of incompatibility.
- Khadeejah was blessed with an abundance of wealth a great portion of which she inherited from her father, Khuwaylid. She was also a very successful businesswoman and was among the wealthiest in Makkah at the time. In fact, her intelligence and business aptitude enabled her to build up her father’s business. It became one of the most flourishing businesses among the Quraysh. Her policy was to employ hardworking, honest and resourceful managers to conduct business on her behalf.
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ٱتَّقُوا۟ رَبَّكُمُ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍۢ وَٰحِدَةٍۢ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًۭا كَثِيرًۭا وَنِسَآءًۭ ۚ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ ٱلَّذِى تَسَآءَلُونَ بِهِۦ وَٱلْأَرْحَامَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًۭا (سورة النساء: ١ )
- Besides being very successful in business, Khadeejah also possessed a most outstanding character. Although many of the leaders from amongst the Quraysh desired to marry her, she turned down their proposals because she felt that most of the suitors were interested in her wealth rather than sincere and honest in the propositions of marriage.
- It was not long, that Khadeejah came to find about Muhammad ﷺ . She was told that he was different from the other men of the Quraysh. He was a man of integrity, honesty and his trust- worthiness was renowned. He was also a person who was not obsessively interested in the material things of the world. When she was informed about his honesty and business prowess, she without hesitation, offered Muhammad ﷺ a job as the head of her trading caravans. He gladly accepted the offer and started working for her.
- Muhammad ﷺ was entrusted with the responsibility of Khadeejah’s business. He traveled with her trading caravan to Syria and Palestine. He was accompanied on the journey by Khadeejah’s trusted servant Maysarah. Maysarah was so amazed by Muhammad’s ﷺ character and generosity, that on their return he reported this to Khadeejah
- The news of his admirable personality and disposition served to increase her admiration for Muhammad ﷺ even further. As a result she spoke her mind to her trusted friend Nafeesah ibnt Muniyah, who in turn approached Muhammad ﷺ , presented to him Khadijah’s anticipation and advocated to him that he marry Khadeejah. He ﷺ did not delay in announcing his approval. He consulted his uncles, Aboo Taalib, Hamzah and others, regarding the matter. They, in turn, went to Khadeejah’s uncle ‘Amr ibn Asad and sought her hand in marriage on behalf of their nephew. The marriage agreement, which was closed with a dowry of twenty camels, was witnessed by both the heads of the Banoo Haashim and the Mudar families.
- Muhammad ﷺ and Khadeejah were then married. At the time, he was 25 years old and Khadeejah was about 40 years old. She was the first wife of the Prophet ﷺ and he did not marry anyone else for as long as she lived. This union was a blessing for both of them, and there is no doubt that their house was touched by the ” spirit of its master”.
- The marriage resulted in the birth of two sons, Qaasim and Abdullaah, and four daughters, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and Faatimah. However, both their sons died in infancy. Zaynab, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom passed away during the Prophet’s ﷺ lifetime and Faatimah died about six months after his death.
- Khadeejah knew that Muhammad was a very special person and therefore she prepared herself for greater things to come. She was chosen by Allah to be the wife of the future Prophet who was going to need all her love and support. She was nurtured to become the future Prophet’s main pillar of strength and support.
Learning from the lesson
- Khadeejah’s life before her marriage to the Prophet ﷺ
- A short description of the type of person she was.
- How she got married to the Prophet ﷺ .
- The children she had with the Prophet ﷺ .