There are many virtues of Salah
Ulama Institute #1
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- Salah has a position, which no other act of worship holds in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that:
“The first thing a person will be asked about is the Salah” [Tabaraani] - Some virtues of Salah are:
– Salah is a pillar of the religion, and without Salah Islam cannot be established fully. Allah ﷻ says:
“But when you become secure, re-establish [regular] prayer. Indeed prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times” (Soorat an-Nisaa:103)
-When Salah is performed, Muslims give thanks to Allah ﷻ for all the blessings that He has given them.
– Salah shows the meaning of worship in Islam because the believer turns only to Allah ﷻ , in submission and humility.
– Salah helps the believers to concentrate on worshipping Allah sincerely, and to leave the worship of created things.
– Salah also helps the believers to remember Allah ﷻ . Allah said to Moosaa
“Indeed I am Allah, there’s no deity except me, so worship me and establish prayer for rememberance” (Soorat Taa Haa:14)
– Salah is like a private conversation with Allah ﷻ and is achieved by reciting the Qur’aan, using words of Allah’s Remembrance and supplications.
– Salah establishes a relationship between the worshipper and Allah. Salah also brings a believer closer to Allah ﷻ . The angels called to Maryam, the mother of ‘Eesaa (Jesus)
“O’ Mary be devoutly obedient to your lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer].” (Soorat Aali ‘Imraan: 43)
– Salah helps the believers not to waste their time on the delights of the worldly life.
– Salah is a sign that distinguishes between Muslims and disbelievers. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“Between man and between shirk and disbelief is the abandoning of Salah”. [Muslim]
– Salah helps the believers to realize that there is something greater than the Dunyaa. The believer knows that this life has been created for a wise purpose.
– The reality is that the purpose of our lives is to worship only Allah ﷻ and to hope for reward in the Aakhirah (Hereafter). The respect that a Muslim has for Salah should be the same as the respect which he has for Islam.
Discussion questions for comment
- How many benefits and virtues of Salah ?
Ulama Institute #1
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