- Sunan of Salah are things that the Prophet ﷺ said or did in Salah but are not obligatory. The sunan parts of Salah may be divided into two categories:
a) sayings
b) actions. - If the worshipper completes the sunan of Salah then he will be rewarded by Allah. If they are not performed then there is no sin. It is however, greatly disliked to omit the sunan without a valid reason or habitually to do so. Muslims should perform them as the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
“Follow my Sunnah (way), and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs, cling to it with the molars” [Ibn Majaah]
Ulama Institute #1
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- The sunan of Salah which are verbal (sayings) include:
- The opening supplication, Du’aa ul- Istiftaah
- Seeking refuge in Allah ﷻ from Shaytaan- isti’aadhah
- Saying the basmalah
- Saying ameen after Soorat al- Faatihah
- Praising Allah ﷻ more than once while bowing and prostrating
- Asking for forgiveness more than once between the two prostrations and after tashahhud
- Sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad and his family and on Ibraaheem and his family during the first tashahhud
- To make du’aa during the final tashahhud
- Reciting aloud during the Fajr prayer, the Jumu’ah prayer, the two ‘Eed prayers, the prayer for rain (Istisqaa’) and in the first two rak’aat of Maghrib and ‘Ishaa
- Reciting softly during the Dhuhr prayer, the ‘Asr prayer, the third rak’ah of the Maghrib prayer and the last two raka’aat of ‘Ishaa
- Reciting more than Soorat al-Faatihah during prayer.
- The Sunan parts of Salah that are actions include:
- Raising the hands when starting the prayer, going into rukoo’ and when rising from that position.
- Placing one’s right hand over the left upon the chest.
- Looking at the place of prostration.
- Sitting on the left foot with the right foot facing upwards between the two prostrations and in tashahhud.
- Placing the hands on the knees when in rukoo’
- Placing a sutrah in front, such as a wall, stick, pillar, bag or anything similar.
Discussion questions for comment
What are the sunan that Muslims should perform in Salah?
Ulama Institute #1
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