Cave of Thawr up to Qubaa.
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Ulama Institute #1
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“If you do not help him- Allah has already helped him when those who disbelieved had driven him out as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, “Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us.” (Soorat at-tawhah: 40)
- The prize of 100 camels for anyone who captured either Aboo Bakr or the Prophet ﷺ was tempting to most mushrikoon. Many set out in search of them. Aboo Bakr and the Prophet ﷺ were in the Cave of Thawr. No sooner had they settled in the cave than the Prophet ﷺ rested his head in the lap of Aboo Bakr. A scorpion stung the foot of Aboo Bakr. The pain was so severe that his tears fell on the face of the Prophet ﷺ , waking him.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ applied his saliva to Aboo Bakr’s foot and miraculously, with the Will of Allah ﷻ , the pain was gone.
Meanwhile, one of the groups searching for the Prophet ﷺ came right upto the mouth of the Cave of Thawr. Aboo Bakr began to shake in fear. - He said that if any one of them looked down he would be able to see them. The Prophet ﷺ reassured him by telling him that Allah would protect them. Reference to this incident is made in the Qur’aan. It was a miracle of Allah that the disbelievers did not see them.
Aboo Bakr and the Prophet ﷺ remained in the cave for three nights. Every night ‘Abdullaah, the son of Aboo Bakr would visit them and tell them of the current situation. He would stay the night and leave before sunrise. One of Aboo Bakr’s shepherds, Aamir Ibn Fuhayrah, used to bring milk for them every evening.
Aboo Bakr had hired ‘Abdullaah Ibn Urayqit, an experienced guide and a person he trusted, even though he was not yet a Muslim. After three nights, according to plan, he arrived with two camels. The three of them along with ‘Aamir Ibn Fuhayrah set out on the journey, on the first of Rabee’ al-Awwal, the thirteenth year of prophethood (16 September 622 C.E.). - Their journey took them through many small towns; they primarily followed the coastal route and weaved a pattern almost exactly opposite to the regular route taken by others. During the journey some notable incidents, some even miraculous, took place. Among them were:
1)The incident of Suraaqah Ibn Maalik – Suraaqah attempted to capture the Prophet ﷺ . First, his horse fell down and he fell off it. On his second approach, the forelegs of his horse sank into the ground up to its knees. Then the horse began jumping wildly. All of this brought Suraaqah to the conclusion that the Prophet ﷺ was indeed the Prophet of Allah. Instead of capturing the Prophet ﷺ he ended up offering him assistance.
2)The story of Umm Ma’bad – She was a lady who spent her time sitting at the door of her tent, with the intention of offering sustenance to passing travelers. The Prophet’s group approached her in the hope of getting some food and milk. She indicated that all the goats were out and the one goat that was left did not have any milk. The Prophet ﷺ touched the udders of the goat while reciting the name of Allah ﷻ . With the will of Allah, milk flowed out in abundance.
3)Buiraydah ibn Husayb Al-Aslami – He was traveling with a group of 80 people and all of them accepted Islam after meeting the Prophet ﷺ .
4)Az-Zubayr – The Prophet ﷺ met Az-Zubayr, with a caravan, returning from Syria. They presented the Prophet ﷺ with two pieces of white cloth.
What we learn from the lesson:
- The Will of Allah ﷻ will always prevail.
- We must always be obedient to the Command of Allah and the Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ .
- Allah ﷻ protects and aids His righteous servants.
- What can you say about the relationship the Prophet had with Aboo Bakr ?
- What does this tell us about Aboo Bakr ?