This Article is about the role the Companions played in the building of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi (the Prophet’s mosque).
Ulama Institute #1
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- The Prophet ﷺ came to Madeenah and stopped at Banoo ‘Amr ibn ‘Awf where he stayed for fourteen nights. During that time the Prophet prayed wherever he happened to be when the prayer time came. He saw the need for building a masjid so that Muslims could perform Salah together.
- The building of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi began soon after the Prophet ﷺ arrived in Madeenah. The first task was to level the ground and clear it of some palm trees and thorny shrubs. It was the Prophet’s desire that the structure should be simple. He himself helped other Muslims in the construction of the masjid by carrying bricks, stones, and sand. He labored throughout the day. The Prophet’s ﷺ personal participation made the Muslims realize the importance of labor and the sense of achievement that comes with it. Muslims were delighted at his participation, which inspired them to increase their effort and enthusiasm. The Companions of the Prophet ﷺ were actively involved in the construction of the masjid.
- As the Prophet ﷺ was helping them in the construction of the masjid, the Companions chanted,
“Allah! The reward is the reward of the Hereafter, so show mercy to the Ansaar and the Muhaajiroon.” (Al- Bukhaari).
- At the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷻ , the masjid was built from adobe (clay) bricks, its roof was made from date palm branches, and its pillars were the trunks of date palm trees. [Al-Bukhaari]. The first expansion of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi took place after the Prophet’s return from Khaybar and it was necessary due to the increase in the number of Muslims. The masjid increased to 2,500 square meters.
- Aboo Bakr was occupied with dealing with the apostates (those who abandoned their religion) and did not have much time to expand the masjid. Its pillars were built from the trunks of date palm trees. Aboo Bakr replaced the pillars of the masjid so that the structure could withstand the harsh conditions of the area. The number of Muslims increased dramatically during the Khilaafah of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab 4. The people requested him to expand the masjid because on many occasions it could not accommodate everyone. ‘Umar undertook to expand it and rebuilt it in 17 A.H. Its foundations were built from stone, up to the height of the average man. When Aboo Bakr replaced the pillars of the masjid he did not add anything to it.
- ‘Umar extended it and rebuilt it in the same manner in which it was built during the time of the Prophet. He replaced the pillars with stronger wood so that it could be more durable. When ‘Umar rebuilt and extended Al-Masjid An-Nabawi, he made a public square outside the mosque, which was known as Al-Butayhaa’. One should observe good manners while being in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi, for example, voices should not be raised therein. Al-Butayhaa’ was incorporated into the masjid as an expansion of the complex and a place where people could meet or speak without disturbing the gentle silence of the masjid.
- Khaleefah ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan undertook to expand and rebuild Al-Masjid An- Nabawi in 29 A.H. He increased it from the direction of the Qiblah and from the north and the west. The people had complained that it was crowded on Fridays and that many people had to pray outside. ‘Uthmaan consulted with those of sound judgment among the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ . They agreed to demolish the masjid and rebuild it to be much bigger than it had been. The entire project of ‘Uthmaan took 10 months to complete.
- The masjid was lit up by bonfires which were placed in the middle of the courtyard. Lamps were first introduced by Tameem Ad-Daari. These lamps were fixed to the main columns for the night and dawn Salah. Many of the Companions of the Prophet assisted in building Al-Masjid An-Nabawi. Today, it is able to house half a million people.
What we learn from the lesson:
- The Prophet ﷺ saw the need for building a masjid so that the Muslims can offer Salah together.
- The Prophet ﷺ and his companions & were actively involved in the construction of the masjid.
- Aboo Bakr replaced the pillars of the masjid so that the structure could withstand the harsh conditions of the area.
- ‘Umar expanded and rebuilt the masjid.
- ‘Uthmaan demolished and rebuilt a bigger masjid after consulting with people on how to do it.
- Today Al-Masjid An-Nabawi is able to house a half a million people.