The things that become. compulsory for a young Muslim who has just reached puberty.
Ulama Institute #1
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- Reaching puberty signifies the beginning of religious responsibility and accountability. With puberty comes many religious obligations (that which is compulsory) according to the Sharee’ah.
- When a person reaches buloogh, he/she says farewell to childhood and leaves behind a life of complete innocence. Like adults, all baaligh young people are now responsible to fulfil their compulsory worship (‘ibaadah). A baaligh person must purify himself from both minor and major impurities. Prayers (Salah) must be performed regularly and perfectly and fasting must be observed during the month of Ramadaan.
- The young person who is baaligh is accountable for his/her own sins and wrong doings such as telling lies, backbiting, slandering and showing ingratitude towards parents. Whenever he/she commits unlawful acts they will be in his record and he/she will receive a punishment in the Hereafter, unless he/she repents. There is a complete list of religious obligations and rules that accompany puberty. These laws are stipulated by the Qur’aan and Sharee’ah.
- When a person becomes legally mature, he/she will have the right to receive the inheritance that is due to him/her. For example, an orphan who inherits will receive his money once he becomes baaligh.
- If a baaligh person commits a crime such as stealing, killing and so on, he/she receives the stipulated due punishment.
- The Prophet treated young people who had just attained puberty in the same way he treated other adults.
- Among the aspects that young baaligh adults must take special care of are:
- A Muslim boy or girl who reaches puberty must adhere strictly to performing the Salah. Firstly, he must have wudoo in order to perform Salah. Then, it is also important that Salah is performed on time and done sincerely. The young Muslim who does not get up for Salah at Fajr will carry his own sins and he/she must be very careful because one bad habit may lead to another. Salah is a pillar of Islam and if a Muslim becomes baaligh, all the pillars of Islam become obligatory upon him, and he will be accountable for not having fulfilled his obligations if he is careful with regard to his/her Salah.
- A young baaligh person must also perform ghusl (bath) when falling into a sate of janaabah (impurity). This will take place when seminal fluid is discharged or after a young girl has completed her menstruation cycle. Together with cleanliness comes the aspect of appropriate dress for men and women. The person who is baaligh must now cover all parts of his/her body which may not be exposed to others. Women must observe hijaab. Men must cover what is between the navel and the knees. Women must observe full hijaab in front of non-mahrams. In front of other women and her mahrams she can uncover her hair and wear normal clothes and jewelry.
- Every Muslim who is baaligh must fast during the month of Ramadaan. The females who are menstruating cannot fast or perform prayer for that period. Fasting is one of the main pillars of Islam and a Muslim who does not fast will have to answer to Allah on the Day of Judgment. The Hajj now also becomes compulsory on the young adult Muslim who is able to do so, if he/she can afford it.
- Aspects such as Zakah and Hajj would also become obligatory upon that baaligh person who fulfils the requirements of Zakah or Hajj.
- Even though a young person may have just attained puberty, he/she carries the full load of responsibilities that come with being an adult. The most important point to remember is that he/she will carry his/her own sins and for that reason, all decisions that he/she makes must be guided by the principles of Islam.
Learning from the lesson
- When a person reaches puberty, it signifies the beginning of religious responsibility.
- A baaligh person must carry out all the pillars of Islam to the best of his/ her ability.
- The entire character and manner of a person changes once he/she becomes baaligh.
- The person who attains puberty carries his/her own sins.