What were the reasons for Hijrah?
Who were the first Muslims in Madeenah?
Ulama Institute #1
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- Aboo Taalib was the paternal uncle of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . During the early period of Islam, he provided the Prophet ﷺ with tremendous support in the form of protection from the hostile mushrikoon of Makkah. In the tenth year after prophethood, Aboo Taalib died. Persecutions increased and life in Makkah became extremely difficult for the Prophet ﷺ and the Muslims.
- The Prophet ﷺ attempted to establish At-Taa’if as a base, but this proved fruitless. Other possible areas such as Yemen and Abyssinia were not considered suitable for various reasons including their distance. Muhammad ﷺ felt a desperate need to find a place where Islam would be welcomed and established.
- In Madeenah, the Aws and the Khazraj had just come out of a battle wherein they had lost great leaders on both sides. The Jews were not really powerful and did not exercise good leadership. The people needed strong and true leadership.
- It was the month of Dhul Hijjah in the 11th year of prophethood. At this time some people from Madeenah had traveled to Makkah to perform Hajj.
- In Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ gave da’wah to the people that had come for Hajj. He did that despite the torture and threats from the people of Makkah. One night he met a group of people and invited them to accept Islam. After listening to his message and some aayaat from the Qur’aan they had no doubt.
- The fact that the Jews had constantly warned them of the coming of a great prophet made it even easier for them to accept Islam. Everyone of this group of six was from the Khazraj tribe. A written parchment of the Qur’aan was also given to them. True to their promise, they immediately set out undertaking the task of preaching Islam in Madeenah.
- The next year (the 12th year of prophethood) five of those first six Muslims returned to Makkah. They brought seven other people with them. Those twelve pledged their allegiance to the Prophet. That pledge has been recorded in history as the “First Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah”, since the area where the pledge was taken was called Al-‘Aqabah. Before departing the group requested that the Prophet send a teacher with them. Mus’ab Ibn ‘Umayr was appointed to perform this task. With the will of Allah ﷻ and through the tireless efforts of Mus’ab, many individuals and entire tribes accepted Islam.
- In the thirteenth year of prophethood, Mus’ab set out with a group of about 73 men and 2 women. Their purpose was twofold. Firstly, they all took the oath of allegiance at the hands of the Prophet ﷺ . This occasion was known as ” The Second Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah”. The second purpose was to offer the Prophet an invitation to settle in Madeenah and to be granted protection.
Important Dates
- 10th year of prophethood Aboo Taalib passes away
- 11th year of prophethood Journey to At-Taa’if
- 11th year of prophethood 6 people from Madeenah accepted Islam
- 12th year of prophethood First Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah
- 13th year of prophethood Second Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah
What we learn from the lesson:
- The Prophet ﷺ and his Companions made great sacrifices.
- The Prophet ﷺ showed steadfastness in spreading the truth, even in the face of danger.
- Success is achieved through constant effort.
- How many were in the first group of people to accept Islam from Madeenah?
- How many people took the pledge at the First Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah?
- How many people took the pledge at the Second Pledge of Al-‘Aqabah?
- Which group did Mus’ab Ibn ‘Umayr travel with?