What is da’wah?
What should da’wah be based upon?
Who should da’wah be given to?
Ulama Institute #1
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Giving da’wah was the responsibility of all the Prophets and Messengers and those who followed them. Giving da’wah involves bringing the people from the depths of shirk to Tawheed and from the perils of disbelief to Islam and from the threat of the Hellfire to Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad initially gave da’wah by calling non-Muslims to Islam. But the Prophet also gave da’wah to Muslims by advising them and admonishing them which helped them to experience an increase in their faith.
Da’wah has many forms. One way is to give da’wah by speaking to people. Another way to give da’wah is by writing. A person who gives da’wah is called a daa’ee and the people who the daa’ee addresses are called mad’uwoon.
Inviting people to Islam is based upon Tawheed, because Tawheed was the foundation on which the call of all the Prophets and Messengers was based. Allah ﷻ instructed every Prophet to tell his people to:
يَـٰقَوْمِ ٱعْبُدُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَـٰهٍ غَيْرُهُۥ ۖ( سورة هود : ٨٤ )
“O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him.”(Soorat Hood : 84)
Tawheed must come first when giving da’wah because it is the difference between remaining in the Hellfire forever and being saved from it. Tawheed must come first because shirk is the worst sin that can be committed against Allah ﷻ :
إِنَّ ٱلشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيمٌۭ ( سورة لقمان: ١٣ )
“Indeed, associating others (with Him) in worship is great injustice.” (Soort Luqman: 13)
Da’wah must be given to non-Muslims as well as Muslims. Da’wah is given to non-Muslims by inviting them to Islam. They should be wamed against the dangers of shirk and its grave consequences. They should also be taught about Tawheed and the great benefits of being a Muslim.
Non-Muslims must be told about Paradise and Hell. They should be informed of the reason why Allah as created everyone (i.e. to worship Allah ﷻ Alone). The main focus should always be on Tawheed. Da’wah to non-Muslims should revolve around worshipping Allah Alone and believing that Muhammad was the final Messenger. Giving da’wah to Muslims should also begin with Tawheed. This is because the beliefs of many Muslims today have been influenced by concepts which oppose the Tawheed that the Prophet ﷺ taught his Companions. These people must be given da’wah based on Tawheed.
Giving da’wah to people should be done with special emphasis placed upon Tawheed and following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Da’wah to Muslims should also be based upon Tawheed and following the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and avoiding sins. Muslims who have not fallen into shirk, bid’ah or sinfulness should also be given da’wah. Da’wah to such Muslims should focus on increasing their faith.
Restricting da’wah efforts to one specific group of people is not sufficient. The Prophet did not give da’wah to the Companions alone. Nor did he choose to limit his da’wah to the people who came to him. Instead, the Prophet went out to the people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and gave da’wah to all of them. The Companions & followed the example of the Prophet. They also gave da’wah to both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Taabi een similarly followed the example of the Companions and so on. Muslims today must follow great example set by the first three generations of Muslims. Muslims today must understand that da’wah is not limited to their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. Rather, Muslims must extend their efforts to give da wah to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Learning from the lesson
- Da’wah involves calling non-Muslims to Islam and increasing the faith of existing Muslims.
- Da’wah should be based upon Tawheed.
- Da’wah should be given to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
- What are the consequences of not giving da’wah to non-Muslims?
- Why is it important to follow the example of the Prophet when giving da’wah?
- What is the problem with basing da’wah on other than Tawheed?