It is important for Muslims to be tranquil and have humility in Salah.
Ulama Institute #1
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- The foundation of khushoo’ is tranquility, humility, soft- heartedness and love for Allah ﷻ . When the heart has khushoo’, so do the limbs.
- When the heart has khushoo then the hearing and sight also have khushoo’. Khushoo’ means turning all of one’s attention towards Allah ﷻ , and perfroming Salah with peace and humility. Khushoo’ is a sign of the believers. Allah ﷻ says the following about the believers:
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded :They who are during their prayer humbly submissive”. [Soorat al-Mu’minoon: 1,2]
- ‘Ali ibn Abee Taalib said: “This aayah means having humility in the heart, and not looking around when praying.”
- Ibn Abbaas said, “In this aayah ‘Those who humble in their prayer’ means those who fear Allah ﷻ and are tranquil in their prayers” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer]
- Umm Salamah said: “In the time of the Prophet ﷺ they would not move their eyes from the place of sajdah.” [Ibn Maajah]
- Having khushoo’ also means not being distracted in Salah. One of the plans of Shaytaan is to distract people in Salah. Muslims must not become distracted in Salah.
- The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
“Allah will not look at the person who becomes distracted in prayer”. [Abu Dawood and Ahmed]
- The benefits of having khushoo’ in Salah are:
- When a believer is in a state of khushoo’ the believer becomes tranquil. Allah ﷻ rewards the believers who are calm and tranquil in Salah.
- Allah ﷻ shows mercy to the worshippers who pray with humility.
- The believers fear Allah ﷻ and make du’aa to Him, hoping for his mercy. The As-salaf us-Saalih (the righteous forefathers) had khushoo’ in their prayers and they would pray to Allah ﷻ , hoping for His mercy and fearing His punishment.
Ulama Institute #1
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