Who are the thaqalaan?
Ulama Institute #1
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- The word thaqalaan refer to people and jinn. Both are responsible for their actions.
- The jinn live in ruins and dirty places.
- Their world is hidden from people.
Some characteristics of the jinn are:
1- The jinn are created from fire and people usually cannot see them.
2- They are able to choose between good and bad just like people.
3- They have families.
4-Some of them are Muslims and others are not.
- In this aayah, Allah ﷻ mentions that people are created from mud and the jinn from fire.The aayah also shows that the jinn were created before people.
- Jinn are able to eat and drink.
Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’aan
“And we did certainly create man of clay from altered black mud and the jinn before from scorching fire” (Soorat al-Hijr:26-27)
The Prophet ﷺ told
Muslims not to use bones for istijmaar because it is food for the jinn.
- Some of the jinn are believers, who will be rewarded by Allah ﷻ , and others are disbelievers who will be punished. In Soorat al-Jinn, Allah ﷻ commanded the Prophet ﷺ to inform the people that a group of the jinn listened to the Qur’aan .Some of them believed in it,accepted its truthfulness and then followed it.
Allah ﷻ says that the jinn said:
“And among us are the righteous, and among us are [others] not so; we were [of] divided ways.” (Soorat al-Jinn:11)
Discussion questions for comment
- Discuss the places where the jinn might live .

Ulama Institute #1
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Why Were the Thaqalaan Created?
Why did Allah ﷻ create jinn and people? What is their purpose?
- Iblees (Devil) was a jinn who worshipped Allah ﷻ , just like the angels in Paradise did. When Allah ﷻ created Aadam (عليه السلام) , He told all the angels to prostrate to Aadam (عليه السلام) , which they did. Iblees refused to prostrate.
- Iblees was arrogant and jealous, he disobeyed Allah’s ﷻ command. Allah ﷻ then ordered Iblees to leave Paradise.
“He said, ‘Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay, from an altered black mud.” [Allah] said, “Then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled.” (Soorat al-Hijr: 33-34)
- The thaqalaan have the ablitiy to choose between good and evil. In the Qur’aan, Allah ﷻ reminds them of their purpose.
Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’aan
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Soorat adh-Dhaariyaat: 56)
- The purpose of the thaqalaan is to worship Allah ﷻ and to avoid shirk. Allah ﷻ sent many Prophets with revelation to guide the thaqalaan so that they may know the purpose of their creation.
- Whenever Allah ﷻ sent a Prophet to a community, the message he conveyed to the people reached the jinn as well. Some of the jinn and people accepted the message and others rejected it.
- Why did Allah create the jinn and people? What does Allah say about them in the Qur’aan?
- What was sent to the thaqalaan, for them to know the purpose of their creation ?