What does Rabb mean? Who is the Rabb?
Ulama Institute #1
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• The Arabic word ‘Rabb’ is often taken as ‘Lord.’ ‘Lord,’ in English means one who rules over others.
• The word ‘Rabb’ however, means much more.
“Rabb” refers to Allahﷻ as the one:
– Who is worshipped.
– Who rules over the creation.
-Who is the Creator of everything.
-Who is the Owner of everything.
– Who is the Provider for all.

• Allah ﷻ is the Rabb and He is the only one who controls the creation.
• Allah ﷻ is the creator of everything. Humanity, the universe, the earth, animals, birds, fish, the mountains, water and air, are all creations of Allahﷻ .
• Allah ﷻ is the true owner of everything. He is also the provider for all of His creation. Everything that people have, is given to them by Allah ﷻ , and He can take it away at any time. People will also be held accountable for the way they used the things that Allah ﷻ gave them.
• Allah ﷻ rules over everything. He has the power and wisdom to do anything. His law cannot be changed and has to be obeyed.
- What is the difference in meaning between the words ‘Lord’ and ‘Rabb’ ?
- Name five great creations of Allah and explain why they are great. Also mention how they show the Lordship of Allah.
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Signs of the Rabb
Recognizing the Rabb through His signs
• People may recognize their Rabb, Allah ﷻ through His creation.
• Muslims see the vastness, the magnificence, the exactness, the system and the perfection of the
creation of Allah ﷻ .
When they see it, it is clear to them that:
– There must be a Wise Creator.
– There must be an Owner of the entire creation.
– There must be someone All-Knowing who rules over it.
– There must be someone who provides for everything.
– There must be someone who keeps the system running.
– That someone is Allah ﷻ , their Rabb.
• People can see the Greatness, Power, and Lordship of Allah ﷻ in His creation, from the ant to the stars.
• Some of Allah’s ﷻ signs in His creation, however, make people more easily aware of the Rabb.
Among them are:
– The vastness of the universe
– Minute atoms
-The stars and the moon
– The Earth and the other planets
-The system in the universe
-The occurrence of night and day
– The way clouds form and rain falls
– The way plants grow
– The seas, rivers, mountains and trees
– The animals, fish, birds, insects etc.
– The human being
- When people see the vastness and beauty of the creation, what should it make them aware of ?