Extracts from the life of the Prophet ﷺ at home with his wives, children, friends, and neighbors.
Ulama Institute #1
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The Prophet’s relationship with people.
The Prophet ﷺ was a role model for all Muslims and the manner in which he spent his time at home should be imitated by all Muslim men who seek to follow the Sunnah and attain success in this life and in the Hereafter. The Prophet ﷺ dealt with people in such a way that they were always left with an indelible feeling of pristine serenity and acute awareness of the Prophet’s intentions.
The Prophet’s relationship with his daughters.
When Faatimah the Prophet’s daughter, visited him at his house, the Prophet ﷺ would take her hand, kiss her and make her sit next to him. She did exactly the same when the Prophet visited her. [Aboo Daawood, At-Tirmidhi, and An-Nasaa’i]. The Prophet ﷺ regularly visited his daughters to ascertain their needs and assist them in dealing with problems that arose.
The Prophet’s relationship with his wives
It was the Prophet’s nature to assist his family in all spheres and play his role as hus- band and father to the full. The Prophet ﷺ has also been described as the most gentle towards his women. The Prophet ﷺ consulted with his wives on a range of issues, which is an indication that counsel and consultation with wives is an important matter.
It was also the Prophet’s practice that whenever he left his house, he showed affection to his wives. He also engaged in light-hearted amusement with them. On one occasion he raced with one of his wives, and on another occasion he spent a long period of time just standing, with ‘Aa’ishah, leaning on his shoulder. She stood behind him, screened by his body and watched some people competing in throwing spears. He stood there so that she might be able to watch without fear of being seen. The Prophet ﷺ was respected and loved by his wives and lived in harmony with all of them.
The Prophet’s relationship with his servants.
The Prophet ﷺ treated the domestic workers in his household with dignity and respect. The Prophet ﷺ said: “The domestic workers are your brothers or sisters. Do not burden them with work beyond their capacity. If you burden them with a difficult task, assist them to execute it.” [Muslim] Sometimes the Prophet would help his worker to complete a task that the latter had problems with. In fact, the Prophet ﷺ loved to work around the house and assisted with cleaning and other household chores. The Prophet ﷺ would also sew his clothing if it had a hole or tear in it. This is indeed a lesson for those who wrongly think that men do not have to help around the house.
The Prophet’s relationship with children.
The Prophet ﷺ also loved to play with and talk to children. He used to hug his son Ibra- heem and kiss him. Allah’s Messenger kissed Al-Hasan ibn Ali while Al-Aqraa’ ibn Habis At-Tameem was sitting beside him. Al-Aqraa said, ‘I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them.’ Allah’s Messenger looked at him and said, ‘Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated with mercy.” [Al-Bukhaari]. Anas bin Malik said: “1 never saw anyone more kind to his family from the messenger of Allah” When at home, the Prophet ﷺ always greeted children, kept them on his lap and played with them.
The Prophet’s relationship with his neighbors
The Prophet ﷺ always treated his neighbors with the utmost respect and dignity. Aboo Dharr said that the Prophet advised him to add sauce to his food to increase its amount so that his neighbor could join him in the meal. [Muslim]. Everyone who lived near the Prophet studied his way of life and imitated it. The Prophet ﷺ therefore understood the consequences of his actions in his home and surroundings. He pointed the way for all Muslims who needed guidance in their actions in the household.