To perform two sajdahs at the end of Salah to make up for errors during the Salah.
Ulama Institute #1
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- Sajdah or Sujood means prostration, or putting one’s forehead, hands, knees and toes on the ground. Sahw means to forget. Sujood as-Sahw can therefore be translated as the prostration for forgetfulness. In Sharee’ah it means to perform two Sajdahs at the end of Salah as a means of atonement for certain errors committed during Salah.
عن عبدالله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه أن النبي ﷺ صلى الظهر خمساً، فقيل له: أزيد في الصلاة فقال وما ذالك؟ قالوا صليت خمساً، فتنى رجليه واستقبل القبلة فسجد سجدتين..(البخاري ومسلم)
Abdullah ibn Mas’ood, a Companion of the Prophet ﷺ narrated: “Once Allah’s Messenger offered five raka’aat in Dhuhr prayer. He was asked, ‘Is there an increase in the prayer? Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, ‘And why is that?’ They said. ‘You have prayed five raka’aat.” So he bent his legs and performed two prostrations (of Sahw).” [al-Bukhaari & Muslim]
- This way of making up for our mistakes is really a great mercy from Allah because He could have had us repeat the whole Salah from beginning to end for every mistake that we have made. Instead, Allah has only required us to make two sajdahs as a means of atonement.
In general, there are two main occasions when Sujood as-Sahw is required: - When a Muslim adds or omits anything of great importance to or from the Salah, for example:
- Praying 5 raka’aat instead of 4
- Making 3 sujoods instead of 2
- Making tashahhud at the end of the first Rak’ah
- Praying 3 raka’aat instead of 4
- Doing 1 sajdah instead of 2
- Getting up for the third rak’ah without making tashahhud
- When a Muslim forgets the number of raka’aat, being in doubt as to whether one is in the third or fourth rak’ah etc.
It is possible to perform the sujood at two possible times in Salah. It can either be done immediately before tasleem at the end of Salah, or it can be done after the tasleem. - The Sujood can be done in either one of the two following methods:
- After completion of the second tashahhud, one should say the takbeer and then make the first sajdah. Thereafter one should make takbeer again and return to jalsah (the sitting position). One should make takbeer again and perform the second sajdah. Then make takbeer is made for the last time, returning to Jalsah and making tasleem to the right and the left.
عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : “إذا شك أحدكم في صلاته فلم يدركم صلى ثلاثا أم أربعًا فليطرح الشك وليبن على ما استيقن ثم يسجد سجدتين قبل أن يسلم، فإن كان صلى خمسا شفعن له صلاته وإن كان صلى إتماما لأربع كانتا ترغيما للشيطان…(أحمد ومسلم)
The Prophet ﷺ once stood up from the second rak’ah without reciting the middle tashah- hud, so he performed the sajdah for forgetfulness before the tasleem, and said: “When one of you is in doubt during his prayer, not knowing if he prayed three or four, let him discard his doubt by adopting what he is sure of. Then he prostrates with two prostrations before the tasleem. If he has performed five, this will mend his prayer. And if he has performed four, this will disgrace Satan.” [Ahmed & Muslim] - In the second form, a person should continue his Salah all the way to tasleem (to the right only), after which he will make takbeer and then perform the first sajdah. He/ she should then make takbeer and perform the second sajdah. Finally, he/she should make the last takbeer and return to jalsah, where he/she will make tashahhud again and then make tasleem.
- After completion of the second tashahhud, one should say the takbeer and then make the first sajdah. Thereafter one should make takbeer again and return to jalsah (the sitting position). One should make takbeer again and perform the second sajdah. Then make takbeer is made for the last time, returning to Jalsah and making tasleem to the right and the left.
Methods of Correction
- If one realizes before making tasleem that he/she has added anything to the Salah, for example an extra rak’ah, he/she may perform the Sujood as-Sahw before or after tasleem.
- If one realizes after fasleem that he/she added something, he/she should just make his/ her Sujood as-Sahw as soon as he/she finds out.
- If one leaves out a rukn (pillar) of Salah, but realizes this before the fasleem, he/she should simply return to the particular rukn, recommence the Salah from that point onwards and perform Sujood as-Sahw afterwards. However, if he/she leaves out the takbeerat al- ihraam, being a rukn of Salah, then he/she should repeat the entire Salah.
- If one leaves out any of the waajibaat of Salah, he/she simply make Sujood as-Sahw before or after the tasleem.
- If one leaves out one or more whole raka’aat, he/she must get up and complete them, then at the end he/she should make Sujood as-Sahw before or after the tasleem.
- If onee forgets to make Sujood as-Sahw before the tasleem, he/she should simply make it after tasleem.
- If the imaam makes a mistake, he is required to make Sujood as-Sahw and the followers must all follow him. If any of the followers make a mistake while praying behind him, they will not make Sujood as-Sahw.
- If one joins the Salah late and make a mistake in the part of Salah which he/she is making up, then he/she must perform Sujood as-Sahw to rectify it .
Learning from the lesson
- Sujood as-Sahw means the prostration for forgetfulness.
- There are two main occasions when Sujood as-Sahw is required.
- It is possible to perform the Sujood at two possible times in Salah.
- There are different methods of correction based on the given circumstances.
- Sujood is the greatest act of submission to Allah