What did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ say when he woke up?
Ulama Institute #1
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- When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ woke up, he would recite certain adhkaar. There are different adhkaar that can be said when waking up in the morning, during the night, and after having a bad dream. This lesson will mention two ahaadeeth. The first is a dhikr when waking up in the morning and the second is a dhikr that is said after having a nightmare:
وإذا قام قال: ((الْحَمْدُ لله الذي أحيانا بعدما أماتنا، وإليه النشور )) ( البخاري )
Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yamaan said: “…when he got up, he would say: ‘Alhamdu lillaahil-ladhi ahyaanaa ba’da maa amaatanaa, wa ilaihin nushoor [Praise be to Allah who has given us life after taking it away, and to Him is the Resurrection]’.” (Bukhaari)
Aboo Salamah said:
“I used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard Aboo Qataadah saying, “I also used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard the Prophet ﷺ saying,” “A good dream is from Allah, so if anyone of you sees a dream which he likes, he should not tell it to anybody except the one whom he loves, and if he sees a dream which he dislikes, then he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil and from the evil of Shaytaan, and blow three times (to his left) and should not tell it to anybody, so that it will not harm him.” (Bukhaari)
What we learn from the lesson:
- The Prophet ﷺ used to say certain adhkaar as soon as he woke up.
- Muslims must not tell anyone their bad dreams.