- Name, Lineage and Birth
- Physical Appearance
- Acceptance of Islam
- Youth & Bravery
- Marriage to Faatimah
- His full name was ‘Ali ibn Abee Taalib. He was also referred to as Aboo al-Hasan and nicknamed by the Prophet ﷺ , as a form of affection, as Aboo Turaab (The father of dust).
- Family Lineage: ‘Ali ibn Abee Taalib, ibn Abdul Muttalib, ibn Haashim, ibn Qusayy, ibn Kilaab ibn Murrah, ibn Ka’b, ibn Lu’ayy, ibn Ghaalib, ibn Fihr (Quraysh).
Family Tree:Prophet ﷺ & ‘Ali
Ulama Institute #1
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- ‘Ali was the Prophet’s ﷺ first cousin. He and the Prophet ﷺ shared the same paternal grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib. They were both from the Quraysh tribe of Banoo Haashim. ‘Ali was born ten years before the Prophet ﷺ had received the first revelation (600 C.E.).
- Physical Appearance: ‘Ali was of medium height inclined to short build, hair thin- ning from his head but spreading all over the body, thick bearded and wheat-com- plexioned (light brown).
- Ali embraces Islam: At the age of four, ‘Ali went to live with the Prophet ﷺ . Aboo Taalib was very poor and could not take care of ‘Ali himself. The Prophet ﷺ wanted to help his struggling uncle and therefore offered to take care of ‘Ali .
- ‘Ali became an important part of the Prophet’s household. In fact he was like a son to the Prophet.While he was staying with the Prophet ﷺ he was very impressed and affected by the character of the Prophet ﷺ
- He also noticed that the Prophet ﷺ and his wife Khadeejah were leading a life different from the people of Makkah. It was in the house of the Prophet ﷺ that he was introduced to the Islamic way of life. Once he observed the Prophet ﷺ and Khadeejah performing Salaah (prayer) in secret, in a way different from what he was familiar with. This was the period immediately after the first revelation. This affected him deeply as he had never in his life worshipped idols. He then inquired about the type of prayer that they were performing. The Prophet then told him that Allah, the only Lord of the universe, sent him to preach Islam to the people. The Prophet ﷺ also explained to ‘Ali the principles of Islam and asked him to accept the message of Islam.
- Initially ‘Ali hesitated and wanted to think about it. He also felt that he need- ed to speak to his father, Aboo Taalib, first. The Prophet ﷺ however asked him to keep whatever was told to him a secret if he was not ready to accept Islam. ‘Ali promised to keep the message a secret. Afterwards he thought about the invita- tion to Islam seriously. He knew that the Prophet ﷺ would not tell him lies or cheat him, especially since he loved him dearly and wished only the best for him. He then with full conviction went to the Prophet ﷺ and embraced the religion of Islam. He was the first among the youth to have accepted Islam. At the time of his acceptance of Islam he was only twelve years old.
- Youth & Bravery: ‘Ali, throughout his life fully supported the Prophet ﷺ in whatever he did. When the Quraysh boycotted the Muslims, Ali and Aboo Bakr stood by the Prophet ﷺ . On the battlefield he was the first to volunteer to fight for Islam in single combat. He, like many of the Prophet’s ﷺ Companions, was prepared to sacrifice his life for the Prophet ﷺ .
He displayed just this type of loyalty and bravery when the Prophet ﷺ asked him to sleep in his bed the night he migrated to al-Madeenah. He knew that the Quraysh were outside and wanted to kill the Prophet ﷺ , yet he was prepared to put his life in danger. This was to ensure that the Prophet ﷺ was not hurt in any way. The Prophet ﷺ also asked ‘Ali to return the valuables of the people of Makkah, which were in his care. The next day, ‘Ali was safe and returned them to their respective owners. - Marriage to Faatimah :In the same year that the battle of Badr took place the Prophet ﷺ accepted ‘Ali’s proposal to marry his daughter, Faatimah. Eleven months after the proposal ‘Ali and Faatimah got married. Although they were very poor, they led a happy life.
What we learn from the lesson:
- Family lineage of ‘Ali and his relationship with the Prophet
- How he embraced Islam
- The lesson also points out certain important events in his life
- We also learn how he continuously supported the Prophet
- Some details about his marriage to Faatimah, the Prophet’s daughter.
‘Ali: His Noble Qualities and Wise Sayings
- ‘Ali’s Noble Qualities
- Wise Sayings of ‘Ali
قال رسول الله “إن من خيَارِكُم أَحْسَنُكُم أَخلاقا” (رواه البخاری)
“The best of you are those who have good manners.” (al-Bukhaari)
- In the previous lesson, we were introduced to some of ‘Ali’s noble qualities, and in particular his bravery. As a young man, he displayed great bravery and courage on the battlefield. For this, he was awarded the title of Asad Allah. ‘Ali’s personality has extraordinary qualities.
- He was a good example for the young and the old. ‘Ali’s most outstanding quality was that he loved Allah and His Messenger ﷺ very dearly. At the battle of Khaybar, the Prophet ﷺ said to his Companions, “Tomorrow, I shall give the flag to one who is to conquer the fort and who has pleased Allah and His Messenger “The next day the flag was given to ‘Ali at whose hands Khaybar was finally conquered, as prophesied. Furthermore, at the time of the battle of Tabook the Prophet ﷺ asked ‘Ali to stay in Madeenah. He said, “You are leaving me behind among the women and children.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Are you not happy that I am leaving you behind as Moosaa had left Haaroon, but there will be no Prophet ﷺ after me.” (Muslim)
- Besides the fact that ‘Ali was the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law the Prophet also shared a special bond of brotherhood with him In fact after the hijrah when the bonds of brotherhood were established between the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar, the Prophet ﷺ said to ‘Ali, “You are my brother in this world and in the Hereafter. (Tirmidhi)’Ali was very knowledgeable about the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ Moreover, many of the ahaadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ were narrated by ‘Ali When someone referred to ‘Ali in front of ‘Aa’ishah, she remarked, “Now there is none as learned as ‘Ali regarding the Sunnah”.
Among the companions of the Prophet. ‘Ali was of the wisest. Many of the Muslims came to him to seek his advice. ‘Umar once said “Among all of us, ‘Ali is the most wise”.
‘Ali’s Wise Sayings:
- “Good manners is the essence of man, wisdom is his helper, and etiquette his legacy. Cruelty is worse than arrogance”.
- “O people, establish close relations with your tongue and body, and keep a distance from your hearts and actions”.
- “Man will, on the Day of Judgment, get according to what he has done, and he will accompany those that he had loved”.
- “Make a great effort in making your actions acceptable, because no action will be accepted without piety and sincerity…”
- “It is compulsory to give anything when asked and to give without asking is generosity. Idleness in prayer, want of subsistence and decrease in taste are all punishments for a sin”.
- “Wisdom is the greatest wealth while stupidity is the worst form of poverty; arrogance is the greatest form of evil and beauty of manner is the greatest form of generosity…”.
- “Shun the company of a stupid person for he wants to benefit you but puts you to harm…”.
- “Keep away from a miser, for he will cause you to renounce what you love”.
- “Do not befriend a transgressor, for he will put you on sale very cheaply. None should fear anything except sin and expect nothing from anybody except from Allah…” “Silence is the best reply to a fool”.
What we learn from the lesson:
- ‘Ali’s noble qualities.
- Some of his wise sayings.
- ‘Ali as the perfect role model for young and old.