Virtues of the day of Jumu’ah Importance of the day of Jumu’ah
Ulama Institute #1
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- Certain creations of Allah ﷻ have been granted position, virtue or significance over other creations. Mankind has been granted position over all other creations of Allah ﷻ .
- Within mankind, there are certain people who have been given virtue over others. The Prophets ﷺ are higher in position than all other men. From the Prophets (may peace be upon them), our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has been granted the position of the leaders of the Anbiyaa (Prophets) With regard to time this is the case too. Allah has granted position to the month of Ramadaan over most months. He has granted special virtue to the Ash-hurul-Hurum (The Sacred Months-Muharram, Rajab, Dhul Qa’dah and Dhul Hijjah). The Night of Qadr has been given position over all nights. The nights of the two ‘Eeds have been granted specific virtue. The two ‘Eeds are special days.
Islam grants great significance, virtue and importance to Friday.
It is a day which has been granted virtue over all other days of the week.
In fact, Fridays have been granted position over most other days of the year. Friday is a day of happiness and celebration.
It is a day when people, families and the community gather. It is a day of worship, when prayers and the weekly congregational worship takes place. It is a day of advice and admonition when the weekly khutbah or sermon is delivered. It is a day of acceptance of du’aa.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad has referred to it as:- The best day on which the sun has risen.
- The Master of all days.
- The Chief of all days.
- The Best day.
- The day greater than the Day of Sacrifice.
- The day greater than the Day of breaking of the fast.
- Among the most excellent days.
- From the hadeeth of the Prophet we also learn the following about Friday:
- It is the original weekly day of worship and celebration. Allah gave this great honor to the Muslims.
- Every Friday there is a period of time when prayers (du’aa) are guaranteed to be accepted.
- On a Friday, Allah created Aadam.
- It was on a Friday, that Allah sent Aadam to this earth.
- On a Friday repentance of Aadam was accepted.
- On a Friday Aadam died.
- It will be on a Friday, that the final horn will be blown.
- It will be on a Friday, that the final hour will take place.
- Friday is also a very important day, since it is the day on which the compulsory congregational prayer takes place. A khutbah, or sermon, is delivered, wherein people are advised and admonished. Community members also meet with each other and exchange greetings in happiness.
What we learn from the lesson:
- Friday must be treated with great respect.
- We must engage in ‘ibaadah (worship) on Fridays.
- We must be happy on Fridays.